Thinking about renovating or expanding your healthcare facility? An Infection Control Risk Assessmen...

Thinking about renovating or expanding your healthcare facility? An Infection Control Risk Assessmen...
This past Friday, I had the incredible opportunity to attend the ribbon-cutting ceremony for a brand...
Designing a cosmetic surgery center requires a delicate balance between functionality, safety, and c...
According to NFPA 99, the Health Care Facilities Code, operating rooms are to be considered wet loca...
NFPA 99, the Health Care Facilities Code, plays a crucial role in ensuring the safety of patients, s...
There are generally three types of square footage that are considering in real estate and renting sp...
Designing ambulatory healthcare facilities is complex and layered. In addition to creating aesthetic...
In the complex process of ambulatory healthcare facility design and construction, construction admin...
Outpatient healthcare facility designers face unique challenges in balancing safety, efficiency, eco...
In the world of healthcare, efficiency is often seen as a virtue. This is especially true in ambulat...